French polishing is our joy and passion and we pride ourselves on being the nation’s largest French polishers. Our experience, coupled with our expertise, have taken us a long way with providing services to retailers, historical sites, domestic homes and more. But did you know that we also offer our services to insurance companies? We can provide you with a full restoration plan that will meet the standards of the FSA and insurance companies.
We are often appointed by insurance companies in cases where fires or floods occur, damaging wooden flooring and furniture. We ensure that our services are bespoke to our customers, meeting their needs and service level agreements.
With French polishing we can help restore your customers’ wood to as good as new again, and unlike other cheaper finishes it can ensure that the wood is up to the quality and standard that it requires. Our French polishers can also accustom the shade of wood to the original colour so that the appearance is consistent throughout your site. We do tend to find that the colours are lost mostly during floods or cases such as milder forms of water damage.
We always want the best for our customers whether it’s for their retail shop, commercial premises, historic building, or domestic home. For this reason, we would always recommend having your wood furniture, floors, doors, banisters or any other wooden fixtures, objects or products you may keep, fire-proofed for the safety of your property and customers. Fire-proofing can also slow down further damages in case of severe fires and certainly has the potential to save lives.
If you’re an insurance company and are looking for a professional French polishing business to help your customers restore their wood, look no further. Our team of expert French polishers can restore and repair wood faster than you can say Terry Waters French Polishing!
French Polishers for insurance companies
At Terry Waters French Polishing, we can help you protect your customer’s wood from fire and water damage. For more information on our services, why not contact us today on 01827 874 535 or just fill in our contact form. As an alternative you can also email Terry Waters French Polishing.
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